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The Conciliar Movement And Schism Essays - Western Schism
The Conciliar Movement And Schism Exemplified by the Babylonian Captivity, the issues, which stirred in the eleventh century papacy, were...
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
prescription drugs Essays (400 words) - Isotretinoin, Retinoids
i have been prescribed to OC 80's for 6 years now for my debilitating pain. i started snorting them about a year back when i learned that it works much faster and better. i'm currently up to 4 a 5 a day. yesterday i got my script filled to learn that they had come out w/a new generic replacement that has OP on the side that used to say OC. i've tried everything in my power from hose clamps, to files to try to crush these damn things down to a powder to snort them and nothing seems to work. taking these pills orally does NOTHING for me except make me feel tired and sick to my stomache and i had to stay home from work today because of this. i know there has to be a way to break down these new generic pills and separate the plastic from the oxycodone, but have yet to learn what that way is. so far, i got instructions from another site to microwave and freeze repeatedly a couple times but am still not satisfied w/the results. someone please, how do i break these new generic pills down to a snortable form? 122 Replies Accutane And Infertility Monday, 12/6/2010 12:10:26 PM in Accutane I took accutane almost 14 years ago as a teenager. I am now a 32 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with infertility that they believe is linked to autoimmune issues. I truly believe that accutane is the cause of this; from the research that I have done it seems that accuntane has been linked to other thyroid-related diseases, but that they have not yet been able to prove a link between accutane and infertility. There are, however, actually more people like me out there than I originally thought. Being diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction has been a horrific, horrific blow. And while there was plenty of information about accutane and birth defects, no one ever mentioned a possibility of future infertility. I was a teenager! This is a tragedy and I believe something should be done about it. If you too have been affected diagnosed with infertility and have taken accutane, please email me. There are plenty of class action suits against accutance. If there are enough of us, we can come together to do the medical research and get the help we now need. 19 Replies
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